Reports in English
Russian Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC) Market 2013–2018

08.10.2014 — date of publishing
The object of the research report is the analysis of the Russian market of wood-plastic composites (WPC, wood-plastic composite, wood-polymer composite, «liquid wood»).
The subject of the research report is WPC and WPC-ware. In this study we refer to WPC as to a composite material consisting of a polymeric base and an organic filler in the form of wood dust or proximate materials: cellulose, agricultural waste, etc.
The most part of the WPC-ware produced in the world are being manufactured by the extrusion technology. The most widely spread WPC-products are: decking , lagging, footbridges, landings, floor pavement, fences, sound collision walls, railings, landscape design elements, street furniture, cafe furniture, flower bed, windows, doors, window-sills, thresholds, car interior elements, furniture, interior decoration, roofing, siding, flat trays, pallets, containers, etc.
According to Research.Techart's estimation, the consumption size of WPC in 2013 increased for 17,9% compared to the previous year. The share of import amounted to 13%.
Research chronology:
- retrospective — 2008–2013;
- forecast 2014–2018.
Research geography:
- Russia;
- the rest of the world – basic data about the dynamics and trends.
The report consists of 10 parts.
The first part contains the overview of the research subject: WPC characteristics, qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the substitute goods, spheres of usage.
In the second part the details of the production technology of wood-plastic composites are considered.
The third and the fourth parts contain the analysis of the world and Russian markets. In relation to the world market, there are its general estimation, geographical and sectoral structures of consumption. Also the peculiarities of regional markets are considered.
The fifth part contains the competitive analysis with the detailed consideration of the concentration level, competitors characteristics.
The sixth part is devoted to the analysis of consumers and the seventh part — to the cost analysis.
The eighth part describes the factors influencing the market.
The ninth part contains the forecast of the Russian WPC market.
In the tenth part there is the analysis of the equipment present on the Russian market of WPC.
The conclusion contains resume.
The target audience of the research:
– world and Russian WPC market players;
– foreign producers and Russian suppliers of the equipment for the production of WPC;
– consumers: participants of the construction branch, furniture trade, automobile manufacturing;
– potential investors.
PART 1. Wood-polymer composites
1. Overview
2. Basic qualities
3. Advantages and disadvantages
4. Formula
5. Range of use
6. Substitute goods
PART 2. The production of WPC-ware
7. Raw materials
7.1. Organic filler
7.2. Polymers
7.3. Additives
7.4. Wood-polymer pellets
8. Recycling technology
8.1. Extrusion
8.2. Casting into molds
8.3. Other technologies for WPC reprocessing
PART 3. The world market of WPC
9. Overview
10. Structure
11. Peculiarities of the regional markets
11.1. North and South America
11.2. Europe
11.3. Asia, Australia and Africa
12. Producers
13. The forecast of the development of the world WPC market
PART 4. The Russian market of WPC
14. Current state of the market
15. Foreign trade balance
16. Market capacity
17. Manufacturing facilities
18. Geographic distribution of manufactures
19. The consumption of substitute goods
PART 5. Competitive analysis
20. WPC-market players
20.1. WPC producers
20.2. Trade organizations
20.3. WPC pellets
21. The concentration level of the branch
PART 6. Consumer analysis
22. Consumer groups
23. Construction market
23.1. Housing
23.2. Low-rise housing construction
23.3. Nonresidential building
24. Automobile market
24.1. Motor vehicle fleet
24.2. Light vehicles
24.3. Freight vehicle
24.4. Buses
25. Furniture trade
PART 7. Price analysis
26. Selling price
27. Prices for substitute goods
28. Factors determining price movement
PART 8. Factors determining the development of the branch
29. Factors determining the intensity of competition in the branch
29.1. Forces determining competition in the branch
29.2. Barriers to entry of the market
29.3. Influence of the substitute goods
29.4. Influence of raw-materials suppliers
30. Problems that limit the branch development
31. branch risks
PART 9. The forecast of the development of the Russian WPC market
PART 10. The equipment for the production of WPC
32. Equipment
32.1. Producers from North America and Europe
32.2. Producers from South-East Asia
32.3. Russian equipment suppliers
33. Investments estimation and efficiency
About Research.Techart
1. Housing construction in Russia in 2012–2013 by regions
2. Housing construction in Russia in 2014 (January-August) by regions
3. Establishment of dwelling-space on the territory of Russia in 2008–2012
Table 1. WPC classification
Table 2. Physical-mechanical properties of WPC
Table 3. Dimensions of the wood dust particles depending on the trademark
Table 4. Range of use of polymers used in the production of WPC
Table 5. Potential capacity of the WPC market in natural terms
Table 6. Productiveness of equipment for WPC production on the example of extrusion equipment
Table 7. Volumes of consumption of wood boards at the Russian market in 2008–2013
Table 8. The qualities of decking of WPC LignaTek
Table 9. Establishment of dwelling-space in Russia in 2013–2014
Table 10. Individual housing construction in Russia in 2008–2013
Table 11. Retail prices for decking
Table 12. Characteristics of the extrusion equipment by Reifenhauser Extrusion
Table 13. Characteristics of the extrusion equipment by Hisuccess International
Table 14. Characteristics of the extrusion equipment by Hao Yu Precision Machinery Industry
Table 15. Basic configuration of the two-stage mixer by Hao Yu Precision Machinery Industry
Table 16. Characteristics of grainers by SKY WIN Technology
Table 17. Expenses of materials by WPC and decking production
Table 18. Estimation of expenses by decking production
Table 19. Housing construction in Russia in 2012–2013 by regions
Table 20. Housing construction in Russia in 2014 (January-August) by regions
Table 21. Establishment of dwelling-space in Russia in 2008–2012
The list of figures
Figure 1. Scheme of the process of production of WPC by means of extrusion
Figure 2. Size and dynamics of the global WPC market in natural terms for the period of 2008–2013, 2014 (E), mln tons
Figure 3. Size of the global market of WPC by prices of the producers 2008–2013, 2014 (E), bln USD
Figure 4. The structure of demand for WPC in the world, %
Figure 5. Regional structure of WPC production in 2005, 2009, 2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 6. The structure of usage of the additives used as thermoplastic binders at the global market, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 7. The structure of demand for WPC and plastic lumber in the USA in 2006 and 2008 and the forecast for 2015, % from the total size in money terms
Figure 8. Evolution of consumption of WPC in the USA
Figure 9. Size and dynamics of WPC production in Europe in 2008–2013, thousand tons
Figure 10. Structure of WPC usage in the European countries in construction in 2005 and 2009, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 11. Structure of WPC usage in the European countries in construction in 2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 12. Regional structure of the European WPC market in 2009, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 13. Structure of usage of the additives used as thermoplastic binders at the market of China, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 14. Branch structure of WPC consumption in China, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 15. The forecast of the WPC production by countries in 2015, mln tons
Figure 16. The forecast of the global market size until 2018, mln tons
Figure 17. Size of the Russian market of WPC in 2008–2013, thousand tons
Figure 18. Structure of the market by consumer-branches in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 19. Regional structure of import of WPC in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 20. Import structure of WPC by producers in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 21. Structure of the Russian production by regions, % from the total quantity of manufactures
Figure 22. Structure of consumption of wood boards and plywood in Russia in 2008–2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 23. Brand structure of the Russian WPC market, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 24. Assortment structure of WPC production, %
Figure 25. Work-scope done by the activity type «Construction» in Russia in 2009–2014 (Jan.- Jul.), bln RUB
Figure 26. Dynamics of the work-scope done by the activity type «Construction» in Russia in 2009–2014 (Jan.- Jul.), in % to the corresponding month of the previous year
Figure 27. Seasonality of the work-scope done by the activity type «Construction» in Russia in 2009–2014 (Jan.- Jul.), bln RUB
Figure 28. Size and dynamics of housing construction in Russia in 2008–2014 (Jan.- Jul.), mln sq. m
Figure 29. Rundown and dangerous to use dwelling in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 30. Size and dynamics of housing construction in Russia in 2013–2020, mln sq. m
Figure 31. Investments in housing construction in 2008–2013, bln RUB
Figure 32. Size and share of the low-rise housing in Russia in 2013–2020, mln sq. m
Figure 33. Regional structure of non-residential premises in 2013, %
Figure 34. Dynamics of production, export and import of light vehicles for the period of 2008–2014 (Jan.- Jun.), thousand un.
Figure 35. Dynamics of production, export and import of freight vehicles and commercial transport for the period of 2008–2013 гг, thousand un.
Figure 36. Sales structure of the Russian market of freight vehicles, including light-weight trucks in 2012–2013 by origin, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 37. Structure of the Russian market of buses in 2012–2013by origin, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 38. The consumption of furniture in Russia in 2008–2013, bln RUB
Figure 39. Wholesale and retail prices for WPC products, RUB/rm
Figure 40. Average prices for decking of WPC depending on the brand and producer-country, RUB
Figure 41. The forecast of WPC consumption up to 2018, thousand tons
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