Reports in English
Russian Scrap Tire Reprocessing Market 2013

14.07.2014 — date of publishing
- the identification of the Russian tire market main trends in the context of the accession to the WTO;
- the identification of real volume of waste tire recycling in Russia as a whole and in individual regions of the Russian Federation;
- the identification of actual volumes of waste tire recycling in general and at the regional level;
- the calculation of the volume of the Russian scrap tire market;
- determination of the recycling expansion, depending on the region;
- conduction of a competitive analysis of market participants: for this purpose, there was identified the selected processing technology, was conducted the manufacturers segmentation on a regional basis and the volume of production capacities.
Due to its chemical structure (three-dimensional chemical mesh) the rubber has been conceptually considered unrecyclable and therefore problematic material during a long period of time. Meanwhile, today there are technologies allowing the processing of GMRG into a final product, raw material or energy source.
The currently used methods for recycling of waste tires that are not to be restored can be divided into crushing and burning methods.
Crushing can be done in different ways: mechanical grinding, cryogenic grinding, bar-destructive methods, ozone technologies, destruction by explosion, etc. At the industrial level the most widely-used technology is the mechanical grinding.
Thermal methods are presented by methods of pyrolysis (thermal decomposition of solid waste without air) and burning of tires in cement kilns and special plants for power production.
Furthermore, there are tires dissolution technologies. However, they didn’t find a real industrial acceptance.
Least civilized methods of tires recycling are their burial and incineration.
Geography of research: Russia (detailed), the world (overview).
Chronology of research: a retrospective – 2008–2013 (Russia).
The report consists of seven parts and 21 chapters.
The first part provides an overview of the subject of research: basic terms and definitions. The technology for recycling of waste tires and products resulting from the recycling process are described.
The second part presents an analysis of the global tire refining market. There was studied the priority management strategy of waste tire handling in Europe, USA and Japan. There was paid attention to features of state regulation of the industry.
The third part contains an analysis of the Russian tire market. Key indicators: volume and dynamics of the market, volume of production / import / export of tires in 2013. In addition, information on the level of Russian regions automobilization is provided.
The fourth part is dedicated to the analysis of the Russian scrap tire market. The calculation of the volume of formation and processing of tires in Russia was made. In addition, a methodology of calculation was provided.
In the fifth part a competitive analysis of the scrap tire market was conducted. The comparison of companies was carried out by the following criteria: the volume of production capacity, the used technology, the cost of recycling services, the cost of the finished product.
The sixth part contains a demand analysis of waste tires recycling products.
Key features and requirements for recycling equipment are presented in the seventh section of the report.
In conclusion of the study general conclusions were drawn.
As annexes to the report are submitted:
- the table of volumes of waste tires in Russian regions in 2013;
- a list of current investment projects in the field of tire recycling;
- examples of business proposals of tire recycling lines;
- rubber crumb specification table and the calculation of its cost.
Part 1. General data about the research subject
1. General terms and definitions
2. Tire types
3. Tire structural elements
4. Processing technologies for worn tires
4.1. Tire dumping
4.2. Tire incineration
4.3. Tire milling
4.4. Pyrolysis
4.5. Thermolysis
4.6. Retreading
5. Tire processing products
5.1. Rubber chips and crumb
5.2. Textile cord
5.3. Metal cord
5.4. Hydrocarbon gas
5.5. Pyrolysis fluid
5.6. Technical carbon
Part 2. World market of worn tire processing
6. World market of solid domestic waste processing
6.1. Solid domestic wastes: amount of formation, structure
6.2. World market of solid domestic wastes
6.3. Major trends of the world market development
6.4. Governmental regulation of the waste processing industry
7. Global tire market
7.1. General data
7.2. Tire market in USA
7.3. European tire market
7.4. Tire market in Japan
8. World market of worn tire processing
8.1. General data
8.2. Tire processing in Europe
8.3. Tire processing in USA
8.4. Tire processing in Japan
Part 3. Russian tire market
9. Russian tire market
9.1. Size and dynamics of the market
9.2. Russian tire manufacturing
9.3. Foreign commerce
9.4. Motorization of regions
Part 4. Russian market of waste tires reprocessing
10. Volume of generated waste tires
10.1. Methodology of calculation
10.2. Statistics in Russia
10.3. Statistics in the regions
11. Volume of reprocessed waste tires
11.1. Methodology of calculation
11.2. Statistics in Russia
11.3. Statistics in the regions
11.4. Legislative regulation on reprocessing tires
Part 5. Competitive analysis processing of the scrap tire market
12. Manufacturing capacity
13. Recycling technology
14. The cost of processing
15. Finished goods
Part 6. Demand for processing products
16. Rubber crumb
16.1. Market
16.2. Demand
16.3. Prices
17. Pyrolysis products
17.1. Market
17.2. Demand
17.3. Prices
Part 7. Equipment for tire reprocessing
18. Summarized data on reprocessing lines
19. Main features of the lines of tire reprocessing
19.1. Russian lines
19.2. Import lines
19.3. Peculiarities of choosing equipment
20. Composition of equipment for tires reprocessing
20.1. Mechanical and cryogenic grinding
20.2. Pyrolysis
21. Estimate of perspectives of market entry Economic justification
About Research.Techart
1. Volume of waste tires generation in regions of Russia
2. Investment projects in the field of tire reprocessing
3. Examples of business proposals of lines for waste tires reprocessing
3.1. Example of profit calculation of a rubber crumb producing plant with a capacity of 5,000 tons per year
3.2. Business proposal of the LLC «Kapitalstroy»
3.3. Business proposal of the LLC «Yamalgazstroy», selling equipment for ECOSAURUS 7520 T tires reprocessing
4. Characteristics of rubber crumb manufacturing enterprises
5. Rubber crumb cost accounting
Table 1. Products obtained during processing of different tire types
Table 2. SDW collection typology by countries depending upon the national income level
Table 3. Availability of motor vehicles in different countries of the world
Table 4. Dynamics of car tire consumption in USA within the period 2009 -2011
Table 5. Structure of tire manufacturing in Japan within 2009–2011
Table 6. Comparative assessment of tire waste handling in different regions of the world
Table 7. The strategy of worn tire disposal in Japan within 2004–2011, thousand tons
Table 8. Average manufacturer’s price for different tire types in 2010–2014
Table 9. Trade balance of the tire market in 2010–2013
Table 10. Operation life of domestic and foreign cars in Russia in 2013
Table 11. Volume of generated waste tires in Russia in 2004–2013
Table 12. Regional distribution of acting enterprises on reprocessing tires in 2013, number of companies
Table 13. Classification of waste tires recycling enterprises in terms of capacity
Table 14. Output percentage of rubber crumb in the waste tires recycling process
Table 15. Summarized data on reprocessing lines
Table 16. Pyrolysis product yield at different heating temperatures
Table A1–1. Volume of waste tires at the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2013
Table A2–1. Investment projects in the field of tire recycling
Table A2–2. Investment projects in the field of tire recycling currently under development (implementation)
List of Figures
Figure 1. Tire milling methods
Figure 2. Rubber crumb manufacturing in Russia in 2004–2012, tons
Figure 3. Reclaimed rubber manufacturing in Russia in 2004–2012, tons
Figure 4. Brand structure of tire sales in the world in 2011, % in monetary equivalent
Figure 5. Amount of tire waste formation in different world regions, thousand tons
Figure 6. Size and dynamics of the tire market in Russia within 2010–2013 in natural units, mio pcs
Figure 7. Structure of the Russian tire market by products in 2012–2013, % of the total size in natural units
Figure 8. Tire market size in Russia 2010–2013 in monetary terms, billion rub.
Figure 9. Amount and dynamics of tire manufacturing in Russia during 2010–2013
Figure 10. Structure of domestic tire manufacturing per companies in natural units, %
Figure 11. Leading regions by the mobilization level at the beginning of 2013 and 2014, vehicles per 1,000 persons
Figure 12. The structure of generated waste tires in 2008–2013, % in natural expression (thousands of pieces)
Figure 13. The structure of generated waste tires in natural expression (thousand tons) in 2008–2013
Figure 14. Regional structure of generated tires waste in 2013, % in natural expression (tons)
Figure 15. Leading regions by volumes of generated tires waste in 2013, thousand tons
Figure 16. The structure of treating tires waste in the Russian Federation in 2013, % in natural expression (thousand tons)
Figure 17. Dynamics of volumes of reconditioned tires in 2000–2013, thousand pieces
Figure 18. Regional distribution of acting enterprises on reprocessing tires in 2013, number of companies
Figure 19. Classification of waste tires recycling enterprises in terms of capacity, %
Figure 20. Reprocessing waste tires at the CRP with annual working time fund of 6,256 hours
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