Reports in English
Russian Roofing Materials Market 2013–2018

06.05.2014 — date of publishing
1. Tile:
- ceramic;
- sand-cement;
- polymer-sand.
2. Slate (asbestos-cement sheets).
3. Shingle.
4. Euro slate.
5. Metal roofing:
- steel sheets (roofing sheets and profiled sheeting);
- metal tile.
In addition, the report describes such rare roofing materials, as composite tile, fiber-cement slate, rubber slate, reed, natural tile, etc.
The basic results of the current update:
- updated the main quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the market in the period up to 2014 (size, dynamics and structure of the market, foreign trade and production);
- updated sections on pricing and competitive analysis of various types of roofing materials;
- updated information on the state of the construction industry in the period up to 2014, the adjusted development forecast up to 2018;
- updated information on the factors affecting the development of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs;
- identified market trends in 2010–2013;
- the adjusted market forecast to 2018, taking into account changes in the external environment.
At the current moment more than 85% of pitched roofs in Russia belong to the old roofing fund, that means they were roofed more than 20 years ago. The major roofing materials of that time — asbestos-cement plates (slate) and roofing metal.
Natural tile that has a longstanding history of usage is accounted for by about 1% of the total roofing fund of the pitched roofs in low-rise housing: this material has always been an expensive material of the premium class.
Modern roofing materials began appearing at the Russian market since the end of the 90s, that is why their share in the structure of the total roofing fund of pitched roofs is low. However the growth of the volumes of establishment of dwelling-space allows to claim that the share of modern roofing materials in the total volume of pitched roofs will annually increase.
The highest positions among the modern roofing materials belong to metal tile, the production of which is actively developing on the territory of the country. Less shares belong to euro slate and shingle.
Research geography: Russia.
Research chronology:
- 2008–2013 — retrospective;
- 2014–2018 — forecast.
The research report contains 14 chapters.
The first two chapters are introductive: they contain the overview of roofing materials, description of the main types of roofing materials for pitched roofs and their basic comparative characteristics.
The 3rd chapter is devoted to the analysis of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs, showing the structure of the market, its size and capacity.
Chapters 4 to 8 particularly cover the segments of the market of roofing materials (tile, slate, shingle, euro slate and metal roofing including metal tile). Size and dynamics of the market, the indicators of the foreign trade and the size of domestic production are calculated for every type of roofing materials.
Chapter 9 contains the data about the consumers of roofing materials for pitched roofs: their segmentation and preferences. The chapter also describes the factors influencing the decision to buy certain type of roofing.
There is the general analytics on the construction branch in Russia the 10th chapter. It is focused on the low-rice housing construction, because pitched roofs and roofing materials for pitched roofs are used in it.
Chapter 11 is dedicated to the PEST-analysis of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs. There are political-legal, economic, social and technological factors influencing the market, described.
The 12th chapter analyzes the degree of the investment attractiveness of every segment of the market of roofing materials and contains the average indicators of the annual growth and profitability before and after the financial crisis.
The last two chapters cover the trends of the development of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs in price and consumer segments, there are also the forecasts for the size and dynamics of the market until 2018.
1. The overview of roofing materials
2. Segmentation of the Russian market of roofing materials for pitched roofs
2.1. Types of roofing materials at the market
2.1.2. Shingle
2.1.3. Slate
2.1.4. Euro slate
2.1.5. Metal roofing
2.1.6. Natural roofing
2.1.7. Other types of roofing materials
2.2. Comparative characteristics of roofing materials
2.3. The shares of different roofing materials in the structure of the total fund of low-rise housing construction in Russia
3. The market of roofing materials for pitched roofs
3.1. Size, capacity, dynamics and seasonality of the market of roofing materials
3.2. Sales pattern of the market of roofing materials
3.3. Price segmentation of roofing materials
4. Roof tile market
4.1. Domestic production
4.2. Foreign trade
4.2.1. Import
4.2.2. Export
4.3. Market size and structure
4.4. Price analysis
4.5. Competitive analysis
4.5.1. The segment of ceramic (clay) tile
4.5.2. The segment of sand-cement tile
4.5.3. The segment of polymer-sand tile
5. The market of slate (asbestos-cement roofing plates)
5.1. Domestic production
5.2. Foreign trade
5.2.1. Import
5.2.2. Export
5.3. Market size and structure
5.4. Price analysis
5.5. Competitive analysis
6. Shingle market
6.1. Domestic production
6.2. Foreign trade
6.2.1. Import
6.2.2. Export
6.3. Market size and structure
6.4. Price analysis
6.5. Competitive analysis
7. Euro slate market
7.1. Domestic production
7.2. Foreign trade
7.2.1. Import
7.2.2. Export
7.3. Market size and structure
7.4. Price analysis
7.5. Competitive analysis
8. Metal roofing market
8.1. Production of metal roofing
8.2. Foreign trade
8.2.1. Import
8.2.2. Export
8.3. The size of the market of metal roofing
8.4. Price analysis
8.5. Competitive analysis
9. The analysis of consumers of roofing materials for pitched roofs
9.1. Segmentation of consumers of roofing materials
9.2. Consumer preferences at the market of roofing materials
9.3. Factors influencing the decision to buy roofing materials
10. The development of construction branch in Russia
10.1. Overview
10.2. Low-rise housing construction
10.3. The forecast of development of the construction branch in 2014–2018
11. PEST-analysis of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs
11.1. Factors influencing the development of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs
11.1.1. Political-law factors
11.1.2. Economic factors
11.1.3. Technological factors
11.1.4. Social factors
11.2. Constraining factors
12. Investment attractiveness / vacant niches of the market
13. The branch in the context of Russia's entrance into WTO
14. The trends of the market of roofing materials for pitched roofs
14.1. The trends by the main quantitative indexes
14.2. The trends in different segments of the market of roofing materials
14.3. The trends in the competitive field
14.4. The trends in the price segment
14.5. The trends in t he consumer segment
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Table 1. The specific parameters of metal tile with various types of polymeric coatings
Table 2. Comparative characteristics of roofing materials
Table 3. HS codes reflecting the tile supplies
Table 4. The balance of the market size, production, import and export of the natural tile in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Table 5. Average prices for tile by types and producers as at the beginning of 2014
Table 6. HS codes reflecting the slate supplies
Table 7. The balance of the market size, production, import and export of slate in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Table 8. The balance of the market size, production, import and export of shingle in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Table 9. Average prices for shingle by producers as at the beginning of 2014
Table 10. Average prices for euro slate by producers as at the beginning of 2014
Table 11. HS codes reflecting the metal roofing supplies
Table 12. Average prices for metal roofing by producers as at the beginning of 2014
Table 13. Individual construction in Russia in 2008–2013
Table 14. The dynamics of the changes of production volumes and prices for raw materials in 2011–2013
Table 15. Dynamics of the market of roofing materials in Russia by segments
Table 16. Manufacturing facilities of large foreign companies on the territory of Russia
The list of figures
Figure 1. The structure of the roofing fund of pitched roofs in low-rise housing construction in Russia in 2013, %
Figure 2. Size and dynamics of the housing construction in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 3. Size and dynamics of the Russian market of roofing materials for pitched roofs in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 4. Dynamics of production of asbestos-cement slate in 2010–2013, mln units
Figure 5. Structure of consumption of roofing materials for pitched roofs in 2013, %
Figure 6. Structure of the Russian market of roofing materials by types in 2008–2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 7. Characteristic sales scheme of roofing materials at the Russian market
Figure 8. Segmentation of roofing materials for pitched roofs by price
Figure 9. Structure of the Russian market of roofing materials for pitched roofs by classes in 2013, %
Figure 10. Size and dynamics of production of the roof tile in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 11. Size and dynamics of import of the roof tile inRussia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 12. Regional structure of import of the roof tile in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 13. Structure of import of the roof tile by producers in Russia in 2012–2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 14. Structure of import of the roof tile by types in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 15. Size and dynamics of export of the roof tile from Russia in 2008–2013 in natural and money terms
Figure 16. Size and dynamics of the market of the roof tile in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 17. Structure of the market of the roof tile by types in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 18. Structure of production cost of the roof tile, %
Figure 19. Structure of the Russian market of the roof tile by the shares of large suppliers in 2013, in % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 20. Size of production of asbestos-cement slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln un.
Figure 21. Regional structure of the Russian production of slate in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 22. Size and dynamics of import of the slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 23. Regional structure of import of the slate in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 24. Regional structure of import of the slate in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 25. Size and dynamics of export of the slate from Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 26. Regional structure of export of the slate from Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 27. Regional structure of export of the slate from Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 28. Size and dynamics of the market of the slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 29. Dynamics of the average prices for asbestos-cement roofing sheets in 2008–2013, RUB/sq. m
Figure 30. Dynamics of the average prices for asbestos and cement in 2008–2013, thousand RUB/ton
Figure 31. Structure of the Russian market of the slate by shares of large producers as at 2013, in % from the total size
Figure 32. Size and dynamics of production of the shingle in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 33. Size and dynamics of import of the shingle in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 34. Regional structure of import of the shingle in Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 35. Regional structure of import of the shingle in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 36. Size and dynamics of export of the shingle in Russia in 2008–2013, in natural and money terms
Figure 37. Regional structure of export of the shingle in Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 38. Regional structure of export of the shingle in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 39. Size and dynamics of the market of the shingle in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 40. Structure of raw material costs by the production of the shingle, %
Figure 41. Structure of the Russian market of the shingle by the shares of large producers in 2013, in % from the total size
Figure 42. Size and dynamics of domestic production of the euro slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 43. Size and dynamics of import of the euro slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 44. Regional structure of import of the euro slate in Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 45. Regional structure of import of the euro slate in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 46. Size and dynamics of the market of euro slate in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 47. Size and dynamics of production of the metal roofing in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 48. Size and dynamics of import of the metal roofing in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 49. Regional structure of import of the metal roofing in Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 50. Regional structure of import of the metal roofing in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 51. Structure of import of the metal roofing in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 52. Size and dynamics of export of the roofing sheet-iron plates and metal tile from Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m and mln RUB
Figure 53. Regional structure of export of the roofing sheet-iron plates and metal tile from Russia in 2010–2012, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 54. Regional structure of export of the roofing sheet-iron plates and metal tile from Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 55. Size and dynamics of the market of metal roofing in Russia in 2008–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 56. Structure of the market of the metal roofing in Russia in 2008–2013, %
Figure 57. Structure of the market of the metal roofing in Russia in 2013, %
Figure 58. Segmentation of the roofing materials by consumers' preferences, %
Figure 59. Factors influencing the decision to buy roofing materials, %
Figure 60. Factors influencing the consumer when choosing the roofing material, %
Figure 61. Workscope done in construction branch in Russia in 2008–2013
Figure 62. Capacity utilization of construction companies in Russia in 2008–2013, %
Figure 63. Size and share of the low-rise housing construction in Russia in 2014–2018, mln sq. m
Figure 64. Structure of import of the roofing materials by types in 2008–2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 65. Dynamics of the average income and the quantity of the unemployed in Russia in 2008–2013, thousand RUB and mln of men
Figure 66. Distribution of the consumers of roofing materials over the age groups, %
Figure 67. Forecast of dynamics of the size of the Russian market of roofing materials for pitched roofs until 2018, mln sq. m
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