Reports in English
Russian Plywood Market 2013–2020

08.05.2014 — date of publishing
1. Plywood overview
1.1. Description. Qualities. Range of use
1.2. Classification
2. Substitute goods
2.1. The estimation of the competitiveness of plywood in relation to the substitute goods
2.2. The comparative analysis of prices for wood boards and plywood
2.3. The markets of substitute goods
2.3.1. OSB
2.3.2. Wood chipboard
2.3.3. Wood fiber board
2.3.4. MDF (fiber board of the medium density)
3. The Russian plywood market
3.1. The state of Russia at the global market
3.2. Factors of market development
3.3. Size and dynamics of the market development in 2007–2013
3.4. Ratio of the domestic production and import in 2007–2013
4. Domestic production of plywood in Russia
4.1. Size and dynamics of the Russian production in 2007–2013
4.2. Regional structure of production in 2007–2013
4.3. The structure of production by types
4.4. Size and assignment level of the manufacturing facilities in 2007–2013
5. The Russian foreign trade of plywood
5.1. Methodology of the analysis of the foreign trade
5.2. Export
5.2.1. Size and dynamics of export in 2007–2013
5.2.2. Export structure in 2007–2013
5.3. Import
6. The competitive analysis of the Russian plywood market
6.1. The level of competitiveness and the main trends
6.2. The leaders of the production
6.3. The profiles of the largest manufacturers
7. Price analysis of the Russian plywood market
8. The structure of consumption of plywood in Russia
9. The analysis of the related industries
9.1. Wood industry
9.2. Construction industry
9.2.1. The overview of the construction industry: dynamics of the development in 2007–2013
9.2.2. Housing construction: dynamics of the development in 2007–2013 and the forecast up to 2020
9.2.3. Low-rise housing construction: dynamics of the development in 2007–2013 and the forecast up to 2020
10. The analysis of the consumer-branches
10.1. Wood housing construction
10.1.1. Size and dynamics of the development in 2007–2013
10.1.2. The ratio of the wood housing construction technologies
10.1.3. The forecast up to 2020
10.2. Non-construction consumer-branches
10.2.1. Furniture trade
10.2.2. Wooden containers production
11. The forecast of the development of the Russian plywood market
11.1. The forecast of production and consumption volumes up to 2020
11.2. The long-range structure of consumption in 2020
11.3. Prices forecast
About Research.Techart
1. Housing construction in Russia in 2013 by regions
Plywood –wood material consisting of several veneer sheets glued together. Usually plywood is formed by 3–5 veneer sheets with mutually perpendicular arrangement of wood fibers in related sheets.
Russian plywood market is one of the largest in the world: the Russian Federation is the 2nd in production volumes and the 3rd in consumption of this material among the countries of Europe, North America and CIS.
Dynamics of the Russian plywood market has been influenced by the economic crisis. In 2008 the inner plywood consumption volume decreased by 0,3%, and in 2009 this indicator was already 40%. But already in 2013 these indicators started to grow.
The core factor of the Russian plywood market is the domestic production, the demand is almost fully satisfied by the Russian companies.
Research chronology:
- retrospective – 2007–2013;
- forecast – 2014–2020 (price forecast — 2023)
The research report consists of 11 chapters.
The first chapter contains the plywood overview: description, qualities, range of use, classification.
The second chapter is devoted to substitute goods for the plywood (OSB, wood chip board, wood fiber board, MDF. Here there is the estimation of competitiveness of plywood in relation to the substitute goods, the comparative price analysis for the wood boards and plywood, the information about the markets of the substitute goods.
The third chapter contains the overview of the Russian plywood market: the place of Russia at the global market of plywood, the factors of the development of the market, its size and dynamics in 2007–2013, the ratio of the domestic production and import in 2007–2013.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the domestic production of plywood in Russia. There is the dynamics and the structure of production in 2007–2013, the volume and the level of utilization of manufacturing facilities in 2007–2013.
The fifth chapter contains the information about the Russian foreign trade of plywood. Mainly the export is emphasized (there is its detailed structure in 2007–2013 given).
There are the results of the competitive analysis of the Russian plywood market in the sixth chapter. The level of competitiveness and the main trends are estimated, the leaders are set aside, the profiles of the largest producers are described.
The seventh chapter presents the producer's and the export prices for the plywood of the Russian production.
The eighth chapter shows the structure of plywood consumption in Russia.
Chapters nine and ten are devoted to the analysis of related industries (wood and construction) and the consumer-branches of plywood (wood housing construction, furniture trade, wooden containers production) accordingly.
The last, eleventh chapter presents the forecast of the development of the Russian plywood market up to 2020, and the prices forecast up to 2023.
At the end of the report there is the resume.
Table 1. The comparison of physical-mechanical characteristics of wood boars
Table 2. The comparison of the consumer qualities of wood boards
Table 3. The main indicators of the Russian OSB market in 2007–2013, mln sq. m
Table 4. The main indicators of the Russian wood chipboard market 2007–2013, mln sq. m
Table 5. The main indicators of the Russian wood fiber board market in 2007–2013, mln sq. m
Table 6. The main indicators of the Russian MDF market in 2007–2013, mln sq. m
Table 7. Regional structure of plywood production in Russia in 2007–2013, thousand sq. m
Table 8. The Russian foreign trade with the countries of the Customs union (Belorussia, Kazakhstan) in 2013 by HS codes of the group 4412
Table 9. The structure of export of plywood from Russia by regions in 2007–2013, thousand tons
Table 10. The structure of export of plywood from Russia by destination countries in 2007–2013, thousand tons
Table 11. Manufactures affiliated with GK «Sveza»
Table 12. The characteristics of plywood produced by GK «Sveza»
Table 13. The characteristics of the birch plywood by CJSC «Krasny Yakor»
Table 14. Other plywood manufactures with the capacity of more than 50 000 sq. m of plywood
Table 15. Dynamics of the average export prices for plywood in 2007–2013
Table 16. The mid-range of prices for different kinds of plywood
Table 17. The mid-range of retail prices for plywood depending on its operating purpose
Table 18. Retail prices of the Russian producers for plywood FK 1525*1525 mm, unpolished, sort III/IV, RUB/sq. m incl. VAT
Table 19. Range of use of plywood depending on the type of the used wood
Table 20. Tariff rate quota for spruce fir or European silver fir and Archangel fir exported from Russia and the territories of the Customs union countries, thousand sq. m
Table 21. Establishment of dwelling-space in Russia in 2009–2013
Table 22. Individual housing construction in Russia in 2007–2013
Table 23. The production of certain types of wooden furniture in Russia in 2009–2013
Table 24. Housing construction in Russia in 2013 by regions
The list of figures
Figure 1. Ratio of consumption of plywood and OSB in Russia in 2007–2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 2. Retail prices for plywood and substitute goods in Russia in April 2014, RUB/sq. m
Figure 3. Regional structure of the import of OSB in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 4. Structure of the chipboard production by producers in 2010, %
Figure 5. Dynamics of the average annual prices for the chipboard in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 6. Structure of the fiber board production by producers in 2012, %
Figure 7. Dynamics of the average annual prices for the fiber board in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 8. Structure of the domestic production of MDF by producers in 2012, %
Figure 9. Average customer prices for MDF at the beginning of 2014, RUB/sq. m incl. VAT
Figure 10. The largest countries-producers and consumers of plywood in 2013
Figure 11. Size and dynamics of the Russian plywood market in 2007–2013
Figure 12. Ratio of the domestic production and import in the structure of the Russian plywood market in 2007–2013
Figure 13. Size and dynamics of the Russian plywood production in 2007–2013
Figure 14. Structure of the Russian plywood production in 2007–2013 by Federal Districts, %
Figure 15. The layout of the plywood production by the species of wood in 2007–2012, %
Figure 16. Structure of the plywood production in Russia in 2007–2011 by types, %
Figure 17. Structure of the plywood production by the surface type in 2007–2011, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 18. Manufacturing facilities for plywood production in Russia in 2007–2013, mln sq. m
Figure 19. Structure of manufacturing facilities for plywood production in Russia in 2007–2013 by the Federal Districts, %
Figure 20. The level of use of the average annual manufacturing facility for plywood production in Russia in 2007–2013, %
Figure 21. Ratio of the supply directions of plywood of the Russian production in 2007–2013, %
Figure 22. Export volumes from Russia in 2007–2013, %
Figure 23. Structure of production of plywood by producers in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 24. Dynamics of the average annual prices of producers for plywood in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 25. Average monthly prices of producers for plywood in Russia in 2011–2013, thousand RUB/sq. m
Figure 26. Ratio of export and inner Russian prices for plywood in 2007–2013, thousand RUB/sq. m
Figure 27. Branch structure of plywood consumption in 2013, %
Figure 28. Round wood and sawn wood export from Russia in 2006–2013
Figure 29. Average customs fee of the exported round wood and sawn wood in 2006–2013
Figure 30. Work-scope done in Construction branch in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 31. Dynamics of the work-scope done in Construction branch in Russia in 2007–2013, in % to the corresponding month of the previous year
Figure 32. Seasonality of the work-scope done in Construction branch in Russia in 2009–2013, bln RUB
Figure 33. Size and dynamics of the housing construction in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 34. Size and dynamics of the housing construction in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 35. Size and share of the low-rise housing construction in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 36. Size and dynamics of the wood housing construction in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 37. Ratio of construction of the massive and frame-panel wood houses in Russia in 2007–2013, % from the total size of wood low-rise housing construction
Figure 38. Size and share of construction of wooden houses in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 39. Ratio of construction of the massive and frame-panel wood houses in Russia in 2014–2020, % from the total size of wood low-rise housing construction
Figure 40. Size and dynamics of furniture production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 41. Size and dynamics of the wooden containers production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 42. Size and dynamics of the details of wooden boxes in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 43. Structure of production of the details of wooden boxes in Russia in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 44. Size and dynamics of production of the flat wooden trays in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 45. Size of production and consumption of plywood in Russia in 2014–2020, mln sq. m
Figure 46. Branch structure of consumption of plywood in 2020, %
Figure 47. Dynamics of the average annual prices of producers for plywood in Russia 2014–2023
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