Reports in English
Russian and Global Pellets Market 2013–2018

04.03.2015 — date of publishing
Research objects are fuel pellets from different materials: wood, agricultural wastes, peat. Pellets are used mainly in energy industry for generation of electric and heat power, co-generation at big power stations, at regions boiler-houses, and also pellets boilers and fireplaces in private sector. It is possible to use pellets in a number of auxiliary industries (steam production in the industry, absorbents, etc.)
Pellets are the ecological energy carrier and produced from the wastes of sawmill, wood processing, agricultural, and food productions. This type of fuel have become a widespread in the European countries thanks to different forms of support of producers and consumers. Among these measures there are quotas of output by Central Heating and Power Plants (CHPP) on the solid fuel of the «green» electricity (electricity based on the biomass), taxes for using the fossil fuels, subsidies for setting of pellets boilers. As a result, in Europe in 2004–2009 consumption of pellets rose in 4.5 times and continues to increase. CAGR 2009–2013 was 14.4%, market size rose in 1.7 times. It is important to notice, that the market continued to grow even in the crisis period, though the rate slowed down. The similar trends are observed in the North America, where Canada and especially USA stop to be the net exporters of pellets and develope their own inner markets.
Though demand on pellets in Russia stays at the low level (about 12% from the production volume in 2013), nowadays the Russian production of fuel pellets represents an independent industry, numbering more than 200 factories. In spite of a fluctuating financial-economic situation in Europe, forecasts of the growth of pellets consumption in Europe cause the high investment interest to organization of productions on the territory of Russia. The feature of modern stage of development becomes the construction of big factories with the annual output from 50 thousand to 1 million tons pellets, as well as chains of factories in Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda regions.
Research geography: Russia (detailed), Europe (include CIS, Baltics), North America, Asia Pacific.
Research chronology: Russia — 2009–2013, forecast till 2018; rest of the world — 2007–2013 (available data), forecast — 2015, 2020.
The report consists of 6 parts.
The first part contains the common information about pellets from wood, agricultural wastes and peat.
The second part is devoted to analysis of a global wood pellets market in considered chronological frames.
In the third part analysis of the Russian fuel pellets market is presented: quantitative characteristics of wood pellets market (production, consumption, export), information about wood pellets production, wood pellets export analysis, wood pellets consumption features, overview of a production of agricultural and peat pellets.
The fourth part is devoted to the analysis of equipment for fuel pellets production.
In the fifth part the Russian market of equipment for pellets burning is considered.
In the sixth part there are factors and forecast of development of the Russian wood pellets market.
1. Fuel pellets
1.1. Wood pellets
1.1.1. Classification
1.1.2. Characteristics
1.1.3. Standards
1.2. Peat pellets
1.3. Agricultural pellets
2. Applications of fuel pellets
2.1. Electric power industry
2.1.1. Power generation
2.1.2. District heating generation and co-generation
2.1.3. Local heating generation
2.2. Industrial process
2.3. Alternative applications of pellets
2.4. Form of pellets delivery
3. Substitute products for fuel pellets
3.1. Substitute products in power generation and co-generation
3.2. Substitute products in local heating generation
4. Quantitative characteristics of global wood pellets market
5. European wood pellets market5.1. Review of European wood pellets market
5.2. Pellets market in certain countries
5.2.1. Sweden
5.2.2. Denmark
5.2.3. Finland
5.2.4. Norway
5.2.5. Belgium
5.2.6. Netherlands
5.2.7. Great Britain
5.2.8. Germany
5.2.9. Italy
5.2.10. Austria
5.2.11. Other countries of Western Europe: France, Switzerland, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Luxembourg
5.2.12. Eastern Europe: Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary
5.2.13. CIS and Baltics: Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus
5.3. Prices in European wood pellets market
6. Wood pellets market in North America
6.1. Review of North American wood pellets market
6.2. Pellets market in certain countries
6.2.1. USA
6.2.2. Canada
6.3. Prices in North America wood pellets market
7. Wood pellets market in Asia Pacific
7.1. Review of Asia Pacific wood pellets market
7.2. Pellets market in certain countries
7.2.1. China
7.2.2. Japan
7.2.3. South Korea
8. Quantitative characteristics of Russian wood pellets market
9. Domestic production of wood pellets
10. Foreign trade of wood pellets
10.1. Methodology
10.2. Quantitative characteristics of export
10.3. Seasonality of export
10.4. Structure of export by directions
10.5. Structure of export by companies
10.6. Structure of export by production regions
10.7. Specificity of export logistics
11. Specificity of wood pellets consumption
12. Russian agricultural pellets market
13. Russian peat pellets market
14. Technological process
15. Participants of Russian equipment for pellets production market
15.1. Foreign producers
15.1.1. European producers
15.1.2. Chinese producers
15.2. Russian producers
15.3. Russian engineering companies
16. Evaluation of investment and profitability
17. Technology of pellets burning
18. Producers of equipment for pellets burning
18.1. Russian producers of pellet boilers
18.2. Foreign producers of pellet boilers
18.3. Prices of pellet boilers
19. Foreign trade of equipment for pellets burning
20. Factors of Russian pellets market
20.1. Political and legislative
20.2. Economical
20.3. Social
20.4. Technological
20.5. Influence of substitute products
20.5.1. Structure of power generation in Russia
20.5.2. Structure of households' energy consumption. Availability of central heating, electric and gas supply systems
20.5.3. Comparison of economical efficiency of using pellets and alternative heating systems
21. Forecast of pellets market development till 2018
About Research.Techart
1. Import of equipment for pellets burning
2. Prices for pellets in European countries in 2013–2014
Table 1. Main parameters of wood pellets according to European standards
Table 2. Main characteristics of various types of energy carriers for district heating generation
Table 3. Comparison of central and individual heating systems in local heating generation
Table 4. Regional structure of global wood pellets market in 2003–2013, th tons
Table 5. Forecast of global pellets market in 2015 and 2020 by regions
Table 6. Main characteristics of pellets market in Denmark in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 7. Main characteristics of pellets market in Sweden in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 8. Main characteristics of pellets market in Finland in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 9. Main characteristics of pellets market in Norway in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 10. Main characteristics of pellets market in Belgium in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 11. Main characteristics of pellets market in Netherlands in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 12. Main characteristics of pellets market in Great Britain in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 13. Main characteristics of pellets market in Germany in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 14. Main characteristics of pellets market in Italy in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 15. Main characteristics of pellets market in Austria in 2007–2013, th tons
Table 16. Foreign trade balance of pellets market in USA in 2003–2009, th tons
Table 17. Foreign trade balance of pellets market in Canada in 2003–2009, th tons
Table 18. Foreign trade balance of pellets market in Canada in 2010–2013, th tons
Table 19. Planned pellets factories in Canada in 2013–2014
Table 20. Planned CHPP, working on the biomass, in South Korea in 2013–2014
Table 21. Pellets producers, which are at various stages of bankruptcy proceedings
Table 22. Size and dynamics of pellets export from Russia in 2007–2013
Table 23. Structure of pellets export from Russia by directions in 2010–2013
Table 24. Leaders by pellets exports in 2010–2013
Table 25. Groups of pellets consumers from Russian producers' point of view
Table 26. Cost comparison of raw material preparation area depending on type of using raw material, mln RUB
Table 27. Cost comparison of Russian and foreign production lines with capacity of 2–4 tons/hour
Table 28. Prices of pellet boilers, th RUB
Table 29. Structure of energy comparison in Russia in 2011
Table 30. Heating systems used by Russian households in 2010 by federal districts
Table 31. Gas infrastructure development of Russian households in 2010 by federal districts
Table 32. Comparative costs of heating using various fuel types
Table П1–1. Import supplies of boilers and other equipment for pellets burning in 2013
Table П2–1. Prices for pellets in European countries in 2013–2014
List of Figures
Figure 1. Size and development of global pellets market in 2003–2013 in natural units, th tons
Figure 2. Regional indicators of output of electric power from the renewable resources by 2020, %
Figure 3. Regional structure of using of biofuel at CHPP in 2013, %
Figure 4. Pellets market development in Poland in 2003–2012, tons
Figure 5. Pellets market development in Hungary in 2006–2010, tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of rutures quotations for pellets in March, 2012 — February, 2013, euros/ton
Figure 7. Dynamics of PIX Pellet Nordic Index in 2007–2013
Figure 8. Prices for pellets in European countries under condition of bulk delivery (5 tons, based on delivery up to 50 km and including VAT) in 2007–2009
Figure 9. Prices of pellets in European countries under condition of ready-packed delivery (pack up to 25 kg, on pallets, without including delivery, including VAT) in 2007–2009, euros/ton
Figure 10. Distribution of Canadian pellets factories by regions in 2013
Figure 11. Program of pellets production in China, th tons, total including the following types: shrots of panic, rice, sunflower, corn, soybeans, cotton, wood, other crops
Figure 12. Balance of Russian wood pellets market in 2003–2013, th tons
Figure 13. Production of pellets in Russia in 2003–2013, th tons
Figure 14. Distribution of Russian wood pellets factories by federal districts in 2013
Figure 15. Leading regions by pellets factories in 2013Figure 16. Structure of wood waste export from Russia in 2013, th tons
Figure 17. Seasonality of pellets export in 2010–2013, th tons
Figure 18. Average monthly prices for pellets in 2010–2013
Figure 19. Structure of pellets export from Russia by companies in 2013
Figure 20. Structure of pellets export from Russia by regions of production and delivery in 2013, th tons
Figure 21. Variants of logistic schemes for pellets export from Russia
Figure 22. Regional structure of peat digging in Russia in 2013, %
Figure 23. Pellets production process layout
Figure 24. Size and structure of housing construction in Russia by forms of ownership in 2000–2012, mln sq m
Figure 25. Structure of energy consumption by types of source in Russian households in 2011, %
Figure 26. Forecast of pellets export from Russia in 2014–2018, th tons
Figure 27. Forecast of domestic pellets market in Russia in 2014–2018, th tons
Figure 28. Forecast of pellets production in Russia in 2014–2018, th tons
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