Reports in English
Russian and Global OSB Market 2013–2020

29.04.2014 — date of publishing
In the North America OSB takes more than 30% in the wooden boards market, in Europe — 7%, in Russia — as yet 5–6%. However demand on it is rising.
Supply of OSB from Europe to Russia began in the beginning of the 90ies. About 2 thousand cubic meters of OSB were imported to Russia in 2000. In 2004–2005 many construction companies paid their attention to the innovative material mainly because of lower prise in comparison with plywood. This fact promoted the further growth of market. In 2006 the maximum gain of consumption was fixed: the volume of import grown in 7 times, what was a result of a high dynamics of housing construction that year. But in 2007 market growth decreased and was only 12%.
According to the results of 2009 the further reduction of the global production and consumption of OSB, which began in 2008 as a result of impact of the world economic crisis, was registered. However in 2010 the situation changed: demand on OSB began to rise again and exceeded pre-crisis level. In 2011–2013 the further growth of market was observed.
Chronology of the research:
- consumption of the wooden boards (particleboard, fibreboard, MDF, plywood, OSB) in Russia in 2007–2013;
- prices for wooden boards (particleboard, fibreboard, MDF, plywood, OSB) in Russian in 2013;
- Russian plywood market in 2007–2013;
- Russian particleboard market in 2007–2013;
- Russian fibreboard market in 2007–2013;
- Russian MDF market in 2007–2013;
- global OSB market (size, dynamics, structure) in 2007–2013;
- North American OSB market in 2007–2013;
- European OSB market in 2007–2013;
- size and dynamics of Russian OSB market in 2007–2013;
- consumption structure of OSB in Russia in 2013;
- supply structure of OSB in Russia in 2013;
- projects of OSB factories in 2007–2013;
- assortment and price analysis of the Russian OSB market in 2007–2013;
- sawnwood and roundwood markets in Russia in 2006–2013;
- overview of the Russian construction industry (volume of construction works, buildings commissioning) in 2007–2013, housing construction in 2007–2013, forecast till 2020;
- low-rise houses construction in Russia in 2007–2013, forecast till 2020;
- wooden houses construction in Russia in 2007–2013, forecast till 2020;
- size and dynamics of wooden furniture production in Russia in 2007–2013;
- size and dynamics of wooden packaging production in Russia in 2007–2013;
- forecast of demand and supply of OSB in Russia till 2020, prices for OSB in Russia till 2023.
Target audience of the research:
- participants of the OSB market: foreign and Russian producers, dealers;
- investors of OSB factories;
- participants of the adjacent markets (producers and suppliers of wooden boards), investors of wooden boards factories;
- representatives of consuming industries (construction companies, representatives of furniture and packaging industries).
The report consists of 9 parts.
In the first part the main characteristics and properties of OSB and substitute products (plywood, particleboard, fibreboard, MDF) are given.
The second part is devoted to the analysis of the global OSB market. In this part situation in the main consuming countries and producing countries of OSB (USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, etc.) is detailed described.
In the third part the Russian OSB market is considered. The size, dynamics, market structure by types of products, consumer structure by application fields, regional structure of demand are given. Supply of OSB is detailed considered: sales structure by countries, suppliers, types of OSB in the whole and by brands are given.
The fourth part is devoted to the assortment and price analysis of the Russian OSB market.
In the fifth part investment projects of OSB factories in Russia are considered: active (with the production characteristics, investment volumes, investors and project initiators) and also «frozen» and closed.
The sixth part contains the analysis of factors influenced on the OSB market. Negative factors are pointed separately.
Analysis of the consuming industries is given in the seventh part.
The eighth part contains the forecast of Russian OSB market till 2020.
In the last (ninth) part the technology of OSB production and necessary equipment is considered. In the end of the part there is a calculation of effectiveness of OSB production on the territory of Russia.
In the end of the report the conclusions are formulated.
1. Common information on OSB
1.1. Wood boards. Definitions
1.2. Applications of OSB
1.3. Standards of OSB
1.4. Classification of OSB
1.5. Characteristics of OSB
2. Technologies of low-rise house-building
2.1. Substitute products for frame-panel wooden houses
2.1.1 Wooden house-building
2.1.2. Brick house-building
2.1.3. Innovative technologies
2.2. Classes of single-family houses and comparison of technologies
3. Substitute products for OSB
3.1. Evaluation of competitive ability of OSB in relation with substitute
3.2. Markets of substitute products
3.2.1. Plywood
3.2.2. Particle board
3.2.3. Fibreboard
3.2.4. MDF
4. Common information on global OSB market
4.1. Capacities and production
5. North America
5.1. Size and structure of production and consumption
5.2. USA
5.2.1. Production and consumption
5.2.2. Prices
5.3. Canada
5.3.1. Production and consumption
5.3.2. Prices
6. Europe
6.1. Size and structure of production and consumption
6.2. Prices
7. Asia
7.1. OSB market in China
7.2. OSB market in Japan
8. Size and development of Russian OSB market
9. Structure of OSB consumption in Russia
9.1. Sectoral structure of consumption
9.2. Structure of consumption by OSB types
9.3. Regional structure of consumption
9.4. Specificity of demand on OSB
10. Structure of OSB supply in Russian market
10.1. Structure of OSB supply by countries
10.2. Structure of OSB supply by producers
10.3. Profiles of the main OSB producers
10.3.1. Ainsworth
10.3.2. Arbec Forest Products
10.3.3. Egger
10.3.4. Georgia-Pacific
10.3.5. Glunz
10.3.6. Kronospan
10.3.7. Langboard
10.3.8. Louisiana-Pacific
10.3.9. Norbord
10.3.10. SmartPly Europe
10.3.11. Swiss Krono Group
10.3.12. Tolko Industries
10.4. Structure of OSB sales by the main producers
10.4.1. Bolderaja
10.4.2. Kronospan
10.4.3. Kronoply
10.4.4. Kronopol
10.4.5. Glunz
10.4.6. Egger
10.4.7. GP
10.4.8. Arbec Forest Products
10.4.9. LP
10.4.10. Ainsworth
10.4.11. Norbord
10.4.12. Tolko Industries
10.4.13. Langboard
10.4.14. SmartPly Europe
10.4.15. Chinese production
10.5. Regional structure of supply
10.6. Importers: sales and market shares
11. Assortment of OSB in Russian market
11.1. Imported production
11.2. Russian production
12. OSB prices in 2013
12.1. Imported production
12.2. Russian production
13. OSB prices development in 2007–2013
13.1. Imported production
13.2. Russian production
14. Analysis of related industries
14.1. Woodworking industry
14.2. Construction industry
14.2.1. Review: development in 2007–2013
14.2.1. Residential building: development in 2007–2013, forecast till 2020
14.2.2. Low-rise house-building: development in 2007–2013, forecast till 2020
15. Limiting factors
16. Wooden house-building
16.1. Size and development in 2007–2013
16.2. Proportion of wooden house-building technologies
16.3. Forecast till 2020
17. Non-construction user industries
17.1. Furniture industry
17.2. Production of wooden packing
18. Forecast of OSB demand till 2020
18.1. Forecast of demand size
18.2. Predictive sectoral structure of demand
18.3. Predictive structure of demand by OSB types
18.4. Predictive regional structure of demand
19. Forecast of OSB supply till 2020
19.1. Forecast of supply size
19.2. Proportion of import and domestic production
19.3. Predictive regional structure of supply
19.4. Forecast of competition development
20. Prices forecast till 2023
21. Industry under conditions of accession of Russia to the WTO
22. Technology of OSB production
23. Supplies of equipment for OSB production
23.1. Europe
23.2. North America
23.3. South-East Asia
24. Сalculation of investment size, profitability and recoupment of the project
24.1. Investment size
24.2. Production costs
24.3. Profitability and recoupment
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Table 1. Classification of OSB depending on mechanical characteristics and relative persistence to moisture according to EN 300
Table 2. Applications of OSB depending of technical class
Table 3. Main requirements to OSB
Table 4. Physical and mechanical properties of OSB
Table 5. Classification of single-family houses depending on characteristics of object
Table 6. Comparison of low-rise house-building technologies in terms of priority applications
Table 7. Comparison of physical and mechanical characteristics of wood boards
Table 8. Comparison of consumer characteristic of wood boards
Table 9. Main quantitative characteristics of Russian plywood market in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Table 10. Main quantitative characteristics of Russian particle board market in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Table 11. Main quantitative characteristics of Russian fibreboard market in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Table 12. Main quantitative characteristics of Russian MDF market in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Table 13. Sales and market shares of foreign OSB producers in Russia in 2013
Table 14. Sales and market shares of foreign OSB producers in Russia in 2012
Table 15. Sales and market shares of leading Russian importers of OSB in 2012–2013
Table 16. Assortment, quality characteristics and prices of OSB from the main foreign producers introduced in the Russian market
Table 17. Retail prices of OSB from the main foreign producers introduced in the Russian market depending on board thickness, RUB/cubic m including VAT
Table 18. Retail prices of OSB from Glunz depending on format (sizes), RUB/cubic m including VAT
Table 19. Previous (2006–2013) and current projects of OSB factories in Russia
Table 20. Main information about current projects of OSB factories in Russia
Table 21. Tariff quota on European Spruce or European silver fir and Scots Pine exporting from Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan, th cubic m
Table 22. Buildings commissioning in Russia in 2009–2013
Table 23. Single-family construction in Russia in 2007–2013
Table 24. Production of certain types of wooden furniture in Russia in 2009–2013
Table 25. Maximum predictive domestic OSB production sizes in 2013–2020, th cubic m
Table 26. Major projects of Dieffenbacher
Table 27. Major projects of Siempelkamp
Table 28. European producers of equipment for certain processing steps of OSB prouction and characteristics of offered equipment
Table 29. Ready-assembled Chinese lines for small-scale OSB production
List of Figures
Figure 1. Proportion of consumption of OSB and plywood in Russia in 2007–2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 2. Retail prices of OSB and substitute products in Russia in April 2014, RUB/cubic m including VAT
Figure 3. Structure of plywood production by producers in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 4. Development of mid-year producers' prices on plywood in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 5. Structure of particle board production by producers in Russia in 2010, %
Figure 6. Development of mid-year producers' prices on particle board in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 7. Structure of hard fibreboard production by producers in Russia in 2012, %
Figure 8. Development of mid-year producers' prices on hard fibreboard in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 9. Structure of MDF production by producers in Russia in 2012, %
Figure 10. Average prices of MDF in Russia in the beginning of 2014, RUB/cubic m including VAT
Figure 11. Size and development of global OSB production in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Figure 12. Development of global OSB production capacities in 2000–2012, mln cubic m
Figure 13. Size of OSB production and consumption in North America in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Figure 14. Structure of consumption of wood boards and plywood in North America in 2007–2013, %
Figure 15. Structure of consumption of OSB and plywood in North America in 2007–2013, %
Figure 16. Regional structure of OSB production in North America in 2007–2013, %
Figure 17. Regional structure of OSB consumption in North America in 2007–2013, %
Figure 18. Proportion of working and closed OSB factories in North America
Figure 19. Сapacity utilization rate of OSB production in North America in 2006–2013
Figure 20. Production, consumption and stockout of OSB in USA in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Figure 21. Structure of consumption of OSB and plywood in USA in 2007–2013, %
Figure 22. Average prices of OSB 7/16» in USA in 2007–2013, doll/th sq m
Figure 23. Production and consumption of OSB in Canada in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Figure 24. Average prices of OSB 7/16» in Canada in 2007–2013, doll/th sq m
Figure 25. Production and consumption of OSB in Europe in 2007–2013, mln cubic m
Figure 26. Structure of consumption of wood boards and plywood in Europe in 2007–2013, %
Figure 27. Structure of consumption of OSB and plywood in Europe in 2007–2013, %
Figure 28. Regional structure of OSB production in Europe in 2011 and 2013, %
Figure 29. Regional structure of OSB consumption in Europe in 2011 and 2013, %
Figure 30. Average prices of OSB in Europe in 2007–2013, euro/cubic m
Figure 31. Size and development of imported OSB consumption in Russia in 2007–2013 in natural units
Figure 32. Size and development of imported OSB consumption in Russia in 2007–2013 in money terms
Figure 33. Structure of consumption of wood boards and plywood in Russia in 2007–2013, %
Figure 34. Sectoral structure of OSB consumption in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 35. Structure of OSB consumption by type of surface in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 36. Structure of OSB consumption by format (sizes) in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 37. Structure of OSB consumption by format (sizes) in Russia in 2012, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 38. Structure of OSB consumption by thickness in Russia in 2010, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 39. Regional structure of OSB consumption in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 40. Seasonality of OSB consumption in Russia in 2013, th cubic m
Figure 41. Regional structure of OSB import in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 42. Regional structure of OSB import in Russia in 2012, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 43. Regional structure of OSB import in Russia in 2010, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 44. Regional structure of OSB import in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in money terms
Figure 45. Regional structure of OSB import in Russia in 2012, % from the whole size in money terms
Figure 46. Structure of OSB import in Russia in 2013 by producers, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 47. Structure of OSB import in Russia in 2012 by producers, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 48. Structure of OSB import in Russia in 2010 by producers, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 49. Structure of OSB import in Russia in 2013 by producers, % from the whole size in money terms
Figure 50. Structure of OSB import in Russia in 2012 by producers, % from the whole size in money terms
Figure 51. Sales structure of OSB from Bolderaja in 2010 by sizes
Figure 52. Sales structure of OSB from Bolderaja in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 53. Sales structure of OSB from Kronospan in 2010 by sizes
Figure 54. Sales structure of OSB from Kronospan in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 55. Sales structure of OSB from Kronoply in 2010 by sizes
Figure 56. Sales structure of OSB from Kronoply in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 57. Sales structure of OSB from Kronopol in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 58. Sales structure of OSB from Glunz in 2010 by sizes
Figure 59. Sales structure of OSB from Glunz in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 60. Sales structure of OSB from Egger in 2010 by sizes
Figure 61. Sales structure of OSB from Egger in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 62. Sales structure of OSB from GP in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 63. Sales structure of OSB from Arbec in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 64. Sales structure of OSB from LP in 2010 by type of surface
Figure 65. Sales structure of OSB from LP in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 66. Sales structure of OSB from Ainsworth in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 67. Sales structure of OSB from Norbord in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 68. Sales structure of OSB from Tolko in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 69. Sales structure of OSB from Langboard in 2010 by type of surface
Figure 70. Sales structure of OSB from Langboard in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 71. Sales structure of OSB from Smart in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 72. Sales structure of OSB from China in 2010 by type of surface
Figure 73. Sales structure of OSB from China in 2010 by thicknesses
Figure 74. Regional structure of OSB supply by federal districts in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 75. Regional structure of OSB supply by federal districts in Russia in 2012, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 76. Regional structure of OSB supply by sub-sovereign entities in Russia in 2013, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 77. Regional structure of OSB supply by sub-sovereign entities in Russia in 2012, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 78. Size and development of OSB prices in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 79. Development of number of projects of OSB factories in Russia in 2006–2013
Figure 80. Export of logs and sawn wood from Russia in 2006–2013
Figure 81. Average customs value of exported logs and sawn wood from Russia in 2006–2013
Figure 82. Size of construction works in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 83. Development of construction works in Russia in 2007–2013, %
Figure 84. Seasonality of construction works in Russia in 2009–2013, bln RUB
Figure 85. Size and development of housing construction in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 86. Size and development of housing construction in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 87. Size and share of low-rise house-building in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 88. Size and development of wooden houses construction in Russia in 2007–2012
Figure 89. Proportion of solid and frame-panel wooden houses in Russia in 2007–2013, %
Figure 90. Size and share of wooden houses construction in Russia in 2014–2020
Figure 91. Proportion of solid and frame-panel wooden houses in Russia in 2014–2020, %
Figure 92. Size and development of furniture production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 93. Size and development of wooden packing production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 94. Size and development of wooden boxes production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 95. Structure of wooden boxes production by type of products in Russia in 2013 %
Figure 96. Size and development of wooden pallets production in Russia in 2007–2013
Figure 97. Size and development of demand on OSB in Russia in 2014–2020 in natural units
Figure 98. Sectoral structure of demand on OSB in Russia in 2015, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 99. Sectoral structure of demand on OSB in Russia in 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 100. Structure of demand on OSB by type of surface in Russia in 2015 and 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 101. Structure of demand on OSB by format (size) in Russia in 2015 and 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 102. Structure of demand on OSB by thickness in Russia in 2015 and 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 103. Regional structure on OSB in Russia in 2015, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 104. Regional structure on OSB in Russia in 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 105. Maximum size of domestic OSB production in Russia in 2014–2020, th cubic m
Figure 106. Size of OSB import in Russia in 2014–2020, th cubic m
Figure 107. Size of supply (domestic production + import) of OSB in Russia in 2014–2020, th cubic m
Figure 108. Proportion of domestic and import production in the whole size of OSB supply in Russia in 2014–2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 109. Proportion of domestic and import production in the whole size of demand on OSB in Russia in 2014–2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 110. Regional structure of OSB supply by federal districts in Russia in 2015, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 111. Regional structure of OSB supply by federal districts in Russia in 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 112. Structure of domestic OSB supply by producers in Russia in 2015, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 113. Structure of domestic OSB supply by producers in Russia in 2020, % from the whole size in natural units
Figure 114. Size and development of OSB prices in Russia in 2014–2023
Figure 115. OSB production process layout
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