Строительные и отделочные материалы
- НовыйКровельные материалы
- Гранит и мрамор
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- Пеностекло
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- Стеновые блочные материалы
- Бизнес-план стеклокомпозитные профили
- Сайдинг
Granite and Marble Market Research report (2004 — 2009)

13.01.2010 — дата выхода отчета
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Natural stone is an ambiguous material for the Russian market. During the imperial period of Russian history a lot of administrative buildings and cultural objects were constructed with the use of granite and marble. However the traditions of processing and using stone were completely lost during Soviet times. In that period construction was supposed to be cheap, that is why stone lining was used only for administrative buildings' decoration. All products made of natural stone were funded, even gravestones were sold only to those who had a special permission. The same situation was also typical for raw materials, processing tools and equipment.
In the USSR granite and marble were extracted by means of explosive method. It wasn't possible to use open-cut mining, that is why the excavated stone blocks often had microfissures. Today this technology remains widely spread in Russia. This in turn negatively affects consumer characteristics of stone. For example, there is a limitation on using facing tile made of granite and marble extracted by means of this method.
Stone market was liberalized in 90es, after the transition of the state economy to a new system of management. First of all, it affected extracting companies, which started managing assortment and price policy on their own account. The class of trading companies gradually appeared on the market. Today it is transforming into the class of industrial and commercial enterprises.
Thus it can be presumed that natural stone is a relatively new type of finishing material, not only for private but also for corporate consumers.
2. World market of natural stone
3. Russian granite and marble market: main information
4. Russian market of natural stone structure: production, import, export, market balance
5. Main consumers. Characteristics of demand
6. Market participants: market structure and market participants activity
7. Price analysis. Products and services
8. Factors affecting the market development
9. The analysis of the areas of use: market situation and demand
10. Conclusions
Targeted audience:
- stone extracting and stone processing companies;
- natural stone products producers;
- raw materials and natural stone products consumers;
- trading organizations from natural stone market;
- potential investors;
- related markets' players.
Marketing research of Russian market of marble and granite contents
1. Definitions
1.1. General information about granite and marble. Areas of use
1.2. Production line
1.3. Types of surface treatment
2. World market of natural stone
2.1. Natural stone output
2.2. World market of raw material
2.3. World market of products
2.4. World market of granite
2.5. World market of marble
3. Russian granite and marble market
3.1. Dynamics and current situation on the market
3.2. Short-term market forecast
4. Russian market of natural stone
4.1. Russian stone mining and stone working industries
4.1.1. Regional structure of natural stone mining
4.1.2. Granite deposits
4.1.3. Marble deposits
4.1.4. Competitiveness of Russian natural stone
4.2. Foreign trade
4.3. Export
4.3.1.Export of granite
4.3.2. Export of marble
4.4. Import
4.4.1. Import of granite
4.4.2. Import of marble
5. Main consumers. Characteristics of demand
5.1. Consumers
5.2. Geography of consumption
5.3. Structure of consumption
6. Market participants
6.1. Market structure
6.2. Stock Line
6.3. Price competition
6.4. Services
6.5. Marketing activity
7. Price analysis. Products and services
7.1. Blocks
7.2. Slabs
7.3. Tile
7.4. Products
7.5. Services
7.6. Notes and supplements
8. Factors affecting the market development
8.1. Building sector review
8.1.1. Commercial real estate
8.1.2. Elite housing
8.1.3. Consumption
9. The analysis of the areas of use
9.1. Facade systems
9.1.1. Current market environment
9.1.2. Substitute products
9.1.3. New technologies of building of facades using granite tile
9.2. Interior design
9.2.1. Current market situation
9.2.2. Facing tile. Substitute products
9.2.3. Shaped objects. Substitute products
9.3. Landscape design
Attachment 1. Volumes of natural stone extraction
Attachment 2. Raw materials external trade on global market
Attachment 3. Natural stones external trade on global market
Attachment 4. Granite external trade on global market
Attachment 4. Marble external trade on global market
Attachment 6. Physicochemical characteristics of russian granites
Attachment 7. Physicochemical characteristics of russian marbles
Attachment 8. Main building web-sites
Attachment 9. Special magazins about natural stones
Attachment 10. Exhibition
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