Reports in English
Russian and Global Composite Rebar Market 2013–2018

16.01.2014 — date of publishing
Research subject – the market of non-metallic composite rebar that includes 2 segments: production of fiberglass rebar and production of basalt rebar.
Composite rebar for reinforcing of concrete constructions — FRP-Rebar (Fiber Reinforced Plastic Bar) — represents fiberglass or basalt bars of diameter from 4 to 40 mm, with length to 12 m (or rolled in coils) with smooth / finned surface of spiral-shaped profile.
The main spheres of use of composite rebar are industrial-civil and road construction.
The market of composite rebar for concrete constructions is the essential part of the construction rebar market, that in its turn is included into the market of construction materials.
The influence of the crisis has changed the behavior of consumers of construction rebar. The demand has become selecting, competitive positions of rebar with the best technical characteristics and physical-chemical properties have increased.
Currently the Russian market of composite rebar is actively developing. Annually the rates of increase of the market size are growing. Compared to the market of steel rebar, the Russian market of composite rebar wasn't influenced that much. During 2008–2013 the Russian market demonstrated positive dynamics of the rates of increase of the market size of composite rebar.
Till 2013 the Russian market of composite rebar was fully provided by domestic production. In 2013 fiberglass rebar was imported for the first time.
Research chronology:
- retrospective 2008–2013
- forecasts for 2014–2018
The report consists of 9 parts.
In the 1st part there are the main terms, classification of composite rebar and market segments described.
The 2nd part of the report is devoted to the analysis of global markets of construction and composite rebar. Quantitative indicators are considered, as well as the detailed characteristics of the market of composite rebar: its size, dynamics, commodity and regional structures, profules of the largest producers, trends of development.
The 3rd part is a description of the Russian market of composite rebar: analysis and forecast of development of construction branch; main characteristics of the Russian market of composite rebar; key indicators of the Russian market of composite rebar including commodity and regional structure. In conclusion of the chapter foreign trade is analyzed.
The 4th part is devoted to the description of the main Russian producers of composite rebar: competitive analysis and the profiles of the largest producers are considered.
The 5th part of the report contains assortment and price analysis of the market of composite rebar.
The 6th part is devoted to the analysis of the Russian market of raw materials fpr production of composite rebar.
The 7th part analyzes the consumption of composite rebar in Russia by the main spheres of use: concrete goods plants, private developers and in road construction.
The 8th part of the report is devoted to the forecast of the market of composite rebar in 2014–2018.
The 9th part analyzes the estimation of entrance of the market of composite rebar by a new company.
In the end of the report there is a resume.
PART 1. Basic information about composite rebar
1. Qualities, advantages, disadvantages
2. Spheres of use
3. Comparison of composite and steel rebar
4. Production, transportation and storage of composite rebar
PART 2. Global market of composite rebar
5. Global market of construction rebar
6. Global market of composite rebar
6.1. The size of the global market of composite rebar
6.2. Commodity structure of the global market of composite rebar
6.3. Regional structure of the global market of composite rebar
6.4. The main participants of the global market of composite rebar
6.5. Trends of the global market of composite rebar and forecasts of its development
PART 3. Russian market of composite rebar
7. Russian market of construction in 2008–2013
8. Russian market of steel construction rebar in 2008–2013
9. Russian market of composite rebar
9.1. Size and dynamics of the Russian market of composite rebar in 2008–2013
9.2. Regional structure of the Russian market of composite rebar
9.3. Commodity structure of the Russian market of composite rebar
10. Foreign trade
10.1. Methodology of the analysis of foreign trade
10.2. Export
10.2.1. Size and dynamics of export in 2008–2013
10.2.2. Structure of export by HS codes in 2008–2013
10.2.3. Structure of export by companies-producers in 2013
10.2.4. Structure of export by direction of supplies in 2013
10.2.5. Export prices for Russian composite rebar in 2008–2013
10.3. Import
PART 4. Producers of composite rebar
11. Competitive analysis
12. Profiles of the largest producers of composite rebar
PART 5. Assortment and price analysis
13. Assortment analysis
13.1. Assortment analysis of the market of fiberglass rebar
13.2. Assortment analysis of the market of basalt rebar
14. Price analysis
PART 6. Analysis of the market of raw materials for production of composite rebar
15. Raw materials for production of composite rebar
16. The market of fillers for fiberglass rebar
17. The market of fillers for basalt rebar
18. The market of polymer binder for composite rebar
PART 7. Analysis of consumption of composite rebar
19. Branch structure of consumption
20. Consumption of composite rebar in industrial-civil construction
20.1. Consumption of composite rebar by concrete goods plants and companies doing monolithic construction
20.2. Consumption of composite rebar by private developers
21. Consumption of composite rebar in road construction
PART 8. The forecast of the Russian market of composite rebar development in 2014–2018
PART 9. Estimation of the entrance in the Russian market of composite rebar
22. Background and risks
23. Estimation of needed investments for production of composite rebar and their effectiveness
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Table 1. Comparative characteristics of fiberglass and basalt
Table 2. Comparison of composite and steel rebar by technical characteristics
Table 3. Comparison of composite and steel rebar by mass-dimensional characteristics and price
Table 4. The participants of the global market of composite rebar
Table 5. Commissioning of buildings in the RF in 2009–2013
Table 6. HS codes for composite rebar
Table 7. Structure of export supplies of composite rebar by HS codes
Table 8. Russian exporters of composite rebar by HS codes for the 1st 8 months of 2013
Table 9. Basic supply directions of composite rebar from Russia for the 1st 8 months of 2013
Table 10. Export price ranges for composite rebar in 2008–2013
Table 11. Consolidated report of revenues and losses of LLC «NPK «Armastek» in 2009–2012, mln RUB
Table 12. Financial ratios meanings for LLC «NPK «Armastek» in 2009–2012
Table 13. Consolidated report of revenues and losses of LLC «Uralskaya armiruyuschaya kompaniya» in 2009–2012, mln RUB
Table 14. Financial ratios meanings for LLC Uralskaya armiruyuschaya kompaniya» in 2009–2012
Table 15. Consolidated report of revenues and losses of LLC «Uralspecarmatura» in 2009–2012, mln RUB
Table 16. Financial ratios meanings for LLC «Uralspecarmatura» in 2009–2012
Table 17. Consolidated report of revenues and losses of LLC «Biysky zavod stekloplastikov» in 2009–2012, mln RUB
Table 18. Financial ratios meanings for LLC «Biysky zavod stekloplastikov» in 2009–2012
Table 19. Producers of glass filler for fiberglass construction rebar at the Russian market
Table 20. Producers of basalt for basalt construction rebar at the Russian market
Table 21. Producers of binder and hardeners for composite rebar at the Russian market
Table 22. Planned capacity of a new enterprice
Table 23. Withdrawal and price of raw materials
Table 24. Personnel of the enterprice
Table 25. Total costs
Table 26. Income and expenditure plan in project implementation, thousand RUB
Table 27. Integral indicators of investment effectiveness
The list of figures
Figure 1. Size and dynamics of the global market of construction rebar in 2008–2012, mln tons
Figure 2. Commodity structure of the global market of construction rebar in 2012, % from the market size
Figure 3. Dynamics of average global prices for steel construction rebar in 2008–2012, USD/kg
Figure 4. Size and dynamics of the global market of composite rebar in 2008–2013, bln USD
Figure 5. Commodity structure of the global market of composite rebar in 2013, % from the total market size in money terms
Figure 6. Regional structure of the global market of composite rebar in 2011, % from the market size
Figure 7. The forecast of the global market of composite rebar in 2014–2018, bln USD
Figure 8. Work-scope fulfilled by the activity type «Construction» in Russia in 2008–2013, bln RUB
Figure 9. Dynamics of the work-scope fulfilled by the activity type «Construction» in 2008–2013, in % to the corresponding month of the previous year
Figure 10. Seasonality of works fulfilled by the activity type «Construction» in Russia in 2009–2013, bln RUB
Figure 11. Size and dynamics of the Russian market of steel construction rebar in 2008–2013, mln tons
Figure 12. Prices for rebar А 500 C in 2008–2013, thousand RUB/ton
Figure 13. Size and dynamics of the Russian market of composite rebar in natural terms in 2008–2013, mln r m
Figure 14. The ratio of the growth rates of the Russian market of composite and steel rebar in 2009–2012, %
Figure 15. Regional structure of the Russian market of composite rebar in 2013, % from the market size in money terms
Figure 16. Size and dynamics of export of composite rebar in 2008–2013 in natural terms
Figure 17. Size and dynamics of export of composite rebar in 2008–2013 in money terms
Figure 18. Location of Russian producers of composite rebar by regions, quantity of companies
Figure 19. Structure of the Russian market of composite rebar by producers in 2013, % from the total market size in natural terms
Figure 20. Average prices for fiberglass composite rebar in Russia as at the beginning of 2014
Figure 21. Average prices for basalt composite rebar in Russia as at the beginning of 2014
Figure 22. Structure of demand of raw materials for production of 1 kg of composite rebar, % from the total weight in kg
Figure 23. Structure of the Russian consumption of composite rebar by spheres of use in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 24. Structure of consumption of composite rebar in the segment of industrial-civil construction in 2013, % from the total size in natural terms
Figure 25. Dynamics of the Russian production of constructions and details of reinforced concrete products in 2008–2013, thousand cub m
Figure 26. The forecast of development of the Russian market of composite rebar in 2014–2018, mln r m
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